

Propylene Glycol Animal Feed (Propylene Glycol AF)  is developed to meet the needs in outdoor livestock farming and animal feed products for use as a humectant, emulsifier, preservative and solvent for feed additives. It is also a readily-available source of energy and aid for prevention of Ketosis in dairy cattle. LyondellBasell Propylene Glycol AF is a high purity product and meets all  GMP+ FSA (Feed Safety Assurance) requirements.




SDS - Safety Data Sheet
PSB - Product Stewardship Bulletin

Product Data and Technical Information

Corporate Statement

LyondellBasell is a leading producer of propylene glycols.  LyondellBasell provides a wide range of high quality propylene glycols to meet your process needs.

Benefits & Applications

Its excellent humectant properties and broad solvency power make Propylene Glycol AF a high quality additive resulting in easier digestible feed products at a broad temperature range and readily available source of energy. The addition of Propylene Glycol AF helps reduce the freezing point of the moisture present within the feed, extending the usage of feed even at sub-zero temperatures.
Propylene Glycol is classified as animal feed material in countries of the European Union and included in the Catalogue of Feed Materials under number 13.11.1.
Propylene Glycol is not to be used in cat feed due to the specific differential metabolism of cats.

Chemical Category

Diols, Glycols