LyondellBasell and Agencies Partner for Exercise

August 20, 2014

LyondellBasell and 14 Agencies Partner for Training Exercise

Aug. 20, 2014

LyondellBasell recently conducted a full-scale incident responsiveness training drill at its Morris Complex. More than 150 first responders from the company and 14 other agencies and organizations participated in the training exercise, which simulated how responders would effectively manage a tornado touchdown at the plant.
“This type of training is crucial for building a strong relationship with local first responders. LyondellBasell has a world-class safety culture and routine emergency training showcases that commitment,” said Brian Angwin, Morris Complex site manager. “Working side by side with a variety of emergency responders, this type of training also provides invaluable experience for everyone to better ensure the safety of our workers and the community.”
First responders participating in the drill included: Channahon Fire Department, Channahon Police Department, CITGO Lemont Refinery, ExxonMobil Joliet Refinery, Flint Hills Resources, Grundy County Emergency Management Agency, Grundy County Local Emergency Planning Committee, Grundy County Sheriff’s Department, MABAS Division 15, Minooka Fire Department, Morris Fire Department, Morris Hospital, Plainfield Fire Department and the Troy Fire Department.
“Industrial emergencies can be unique and in environments that municipal firefighters do not work in regularly,” Minooka Fire Protection District Fire Chief Al Yancey said. “Drills like this are a great opportunity for community firefighters to work with industry so we can learn from each other.”
The Morris Complex is one of the largest petrochemical facilities in the Midwest.  Using natural gas liquids as a feedstock, the plant manufactures ethylene, the world’s most widely-used petrochemical, which is then converted into polyethylene resins. These resins provide value to our society by serving as building blocks for products such as leak-proof and shatterproof containers for industrial and household chemicals, packaging that protects our food from spoilage and contamination, and children’s toys that are safe and durable.

Media Contact: Brent Connett (O) 815-942-7474 (C)