LYB named 2023 Angel Award recipient

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Lake Charles – LyondellBasell was one of the 2023 Angel Award recipients given by Families Helping Families SWLA (FHF) due to their generosity throughout 2022. This local nonprofit organization is the only family-directed resource center in Southwest Louisiana with their staff having their own personal experiences of dealing with loved ones living with disabilities. They serve over 2,000 families per year and have locations throughout the U.S.

Over $5,000 was donated to FHF at the site’s 2nd Annual golf tournament hosted June 2022. The site also partnered with the BELIEVE Network to host a toy drive in November 2022 in support of FHF Santa Drive Thru Event. By focusing on neighborhood nonprofits such as this one, employees are able to contribute to the support of services and programs that have a significant impact on the local community. The site hopes to partner with FHF sometime again in the future.

Receives 2023 Angel Award Recipient