Hostacom G3 N01 102297



Hostacom G3 N01 102297 is a 30% glass fiber reinforced PP homopolymer, with low flowability, high stiffness, low CLTE (Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion) and low creep under load at elevated temperatures. The product is available in black color, pellet form.


Europe, North America


SDS - Safety Data Sheet
PSB - Product Stewardship Bulletin

Product Data and Technical Information

Typical Properties

Melt Flow Rate (230 °C/5.0 kg) 5 g/10 min
Melt Volume Flow Rate (230 °C/5.0 kg) 5.5 cm³/10 min
Density (23 °C) 1.13 g/cm³
Tensile Modulus (23 °C) 6300 MPa
Tensile Stress at Yield (23 °C) 88 MPa
Tensile Strain at Break (23 °C) 3.2 %
Charpy Impact Strength - Notched (23 °C) 10 kJ/m²
Charpy Impact Strength - Notched (-30 °C) 7.5 kJ/m²
Charpy Impact Strength - Unnotched (23 °C) 45 kJ/m²
Vicat Softening Temperature (B50) 135 °C
Deflection Temperature Under Load (1.80 MPa, Unannealed) 143 °C
Deflection Temperature Under Load (1.80 MPa, Unannealed) 140 °C


Injection Molding


Polypropylene Compounds



Prohibited Applications of Compounded Polyolefins:

The following applications and/or end uses are prohibited by LyondellBasell.  LyondellBasell will not solicit the sale of, or knowingly supply, product for use in the following applications:

FDA Class III medical devices, European Class III medical devices, Health Canada Class IV Medical Devices, applications involving permanent implantation into the body & life-sustaining medical applications