What Proactive Hygiene Measures Can You Do?

First and foremost, your safety comes first. Here are a few simple items you can do to help you prevent getting the virus or contracting an illness.

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and completely dry your hands frequently, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer, or both.

  • Face masks help prevent further spread of infection from those who are sick to others around them. However, face masks do not seem to be as effective in protecting those who are not infected.

  • Use a tissue when you must sneeze or cough and dispose of it immediately and wash your hands immediately afterwards. If tissues are not available, cough or sneeze on your sleeve, and again, wash your hands.

  • Avoid touching your face, mouth, or nose.

  • Avoid greeting rituals, such as shaking hands, hugging, kissing on the cheek, etc.

  • Avoid large group gatherings where individuals remain near for extended periods of time. If you have to meet in a group setting, clean the space before and after use.

  • Keep your personal work area clean and, if possible, refrain from using other employees' phones, desks, tools, equipment, or workstations.

  • If you feel cold, fever, or flu-like symptoms, do not come to work, and inform your manager of your status.

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, including good nutrition, exercise, and smoking cessation, to maintain a better immune system.

  • Consider being up-to-date on necessary influenza vaccinations, which is a personal choice that is frequently recommended by health authorities.