1.1 Taking a step forward - Michael Pohl
1.2 Trends in automotive industry - Andreas Buechel
1.3 Radar transmission measurement - Andreas Reil
2.1 Softell grades for interiors - Blagdon Nutini Skhiri
2.2 MME Softell replaces engineering plastics - Kiehner Nowag
2.3 E_mobility requirements and solutions - Frederik Thoma
3.1 E_mobility - passive safety - Wolfgang Dorscheid
3.2 PPGF for structural applications - Klaus Klemm
3.3 Creep testing on plastics and composites - Lucas Unger
4.1 Warpage optimisation using the digital twin - Stefan Vogler
4.2 The use of Masterbatch in your production process - Joris Briers